teachings and learning

The company as a center of circular thinking

En ECOzero We always start from the premise that we must reach the maximum knowledge to be able to apply it to our daily work. In this sense, our company has acquired a lot of knowledge that we are happy to share with all those people or companies that wish to do so. In fact, we carry out regular training, both at our facilities and at other companies and institutions, on acoustics and the environment. We believe that we are in a historic moment where the companies that are linked to environmental products must share knowledge to, among all of us, improve a little the world in which we live.

In the same way we continue to learn, not only in the most technical part of our work, but also in the most social and environmental part. In this way, we have managed to make our company not just a business, but a center of thought that day by day acquires new responsibilities towards our environment. 

Our social commitment

Just one year ago, the company began to strategically implement the Corporate Social Responsibility. Being a young and committed company, this step was taken in a very natural way. We were aware of the number of demands for our product in absolutely essential projects, but for which this type of material was completely inaccessible.

After a long process of reflection we got down to work. We began to collaborate with organizations and entities that had this need and could not afford it. Our first action was to set up a pediatric ward in a major hospital in Madrid.

From this moment and thanks to the versatility of our product we have developed many projects. One of the most important was the donation to Red Cross of more than 500 toys and 60 cradles for Ukrainian refugee children. We are in full investigation on the adaptation of spaces for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder. For this we are working with different organizations in the search for materials and acoustic solutions that are adapted to people with hearing hypersensitivity.

In our latest project we embarked on a collaboration with the NGO Kubuka. Her project “Kleanbera Recycling” collects and recycles plastic waste from a settlement in Nairobi, Kenya. This project collects more than 19 tons of plastic per month from the streets and illegal dumps in the area. In this way we managed to develop a very depressed area socially and economically, while at the same time we managed to clean the entire area of ​​plastic.

Our environmental commitment

As a company, we must do our bit to stop climate change. With this in mind our ECO range, a range of acoustic panels made from recycled plastic bottles. For every square meter of panel, 75 bottles are reused, avoiding the creation of more waste that is harmful to the environment. This year alone we have more than 5 million recycled bottles.

The entire company has been adapting to this commitment. We have made the use of renewable energy hegemonic in the company. We have an energy supply from solar panels, all our cars are electric or plug-in hybrids and this year we are going to be neutral in CO2 emissions.

In this same sense, we have managed to accredit our products so that they can be prescribed in green buildings, with certifications such as LEED, BREEM, PEFC... and thus more than 20 international certifications.



Monday – Thursday: 08:00 a.m. · 18:00 p.m.
Friday: 08:00 a.m. 14:00 p.m.

Email: hola@ecocero.com

Phone: 912 980 208

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