What is ECOTr?

This is a new application that allows you to easily and intuitively calculate the improvement that we would have in the reverberation time of a given room.

To understand better ECOTr, we have to know what the reverberation time is, this can be understood as the time, in seconds, that elapses from the end of the emission of a sound until the sound pressure level in the room has decreased 60 dB with respect to the initial value , subjectively it can be understood as the time elapsed since a sound is emitted until it becomes inaudible.

When making this calculation, the user, once they are registered in the application, will only have to enter in a very simple way a series of parameters that characterize the premises in question. Once these parameters have been entered, the next step will be to choose the solution that interests us the most, and automatically ECOTr It will show us the number of acoustic panels that we need from the selected solution so that the reverberation time of our premises is below that recommended by ECOcero. Likewise, it will also indicate the percentage of surface to be treated.

Where can we access ECOTr?

ECOTr It is accessible from our website, and it is also available for mobile devices.

What a difference ECOTr BASIC de ECOtr PRO?

Below is a table that allows you to see at a glance the main differences that exist between the two versions of ECOtr.

TR: Reverberation Time.

As we can see, the PRO version allows us to carry out a much more limited study, so we can adapt much better to the place in question.

So we invite you all to enter our website and try these applications.

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