
The acoustic design in reception spaces, particularly in hotels, is essential to guarantee an unbeatable experience for customers from the moment they arrive. First impressions are crucial to generate a positive and lasting perception, so it is essential to pay attention to the quality of the acoustic environment.

A well-conditioned space acoustically provides an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility, avoiding distractions and possible disturbances caused by external or internal noise. This factor is especially relevant in the hotel sector, where customer well-being and satisfaction are priority aspects.

The implementation of attractive and elegant acoustic solutions, which incorporate recycled materials and avant-garde design, contributes to improving the image of the establishment and reflects its commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Customers increasingly value these green initiatives, which can positively influence their choice and loyalty

Why acoustically condition a hotel? 

  1. Improve customer satisfaction: A 2017 Tripadvisor survey revealed that noise is one of the biggest issues hotel guests face, affecting satisfaction and the intention to return (O'Flaherty, 2017). By reducing ambient noise, acoustic conditioning can increase customer satisfaction.
  2. Contributes to optimal rest: The World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that noise levels in hotel rooms should be less than 40 decibels to guarantee quality sleep (WHO, 2009). Good acoustic conditioning allows these levels to be reached, improving the quality of sleep for guests.
  3. Increase profitability: A Cornell University study showed a positive correlation between sleep quality and hotel profitability (Enz, Canina, & Walsh, 2001). Hotels with better acoustic conditioning may attract more guests willing to pay more for a good night's sleep.
  4. Improve productivity in business meetings: According to a study by Steelcase (2016), an acoustically comfortable environment is crucial for the productivity of business meetings. Hotels that attract business travelers can benefit from acoustically conditioning their conference rooms.
  5. Reduces stress and promotes well-being: The WHO has recognized that excessive noise can cause stress and cardiovascular disease (WHO, 2011). By reducing noise, acoustic conditioning can promote the well-being of guests.
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