ECOzero It has been a beneficiary of the foreign promotion plan promoted by the Ministry of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Commerce and Labor of the Generalitat Valenciana. The ECOcero internationalization project for the 2021-2022 financial year has been supported with a grant of €28.398,26.

Sustainable acoustic conditioning for a world without noise

At ECOcero we work to be a creative and innovative company specialized in sustainable acoustic conditioning with a strong international projection to transform spaces into healthier environments anywhere in the world. With these foreign promotion grants granted by the Generalitat, our presence and positioning in target foreign markets is boosted.

Thanks to this program Ministry of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Commerce and Labor of the Generalitat Valenciana Foreign promotion actions that we have developed have been supported, such as:

-Execution of international marketing plan, online and offline.
-Web improvements and promotional material in different languages.
-Promotion at international fairs.
-Accommodation and travel expenses to international markets.
-Other foreign promotion services.

More information about these grants foreign promotion of companies in the Valencian Community follow this link

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