Foam range

Foam range

Acoustic panels made from FOAM (expanded polyurethane) They are an effective and versatile solution for controlling noise and improving acoustic comfort in different environments. This material, mainly composed of closed air cells, has excellent insulating properties, both thermal and acoustic, thanks to its structure and composition.

the foam It is obtained from the chemical reaction between polyols and polyisocyanates, giving rise to a light, flexible and easy-to-handle material. In addition, it is resistant to aging, humidity and temperature changes, which guarantees a long useful life and minimal maintenance. The FOAM acoustic panels They can be manufactured in different densities, thicknesses and shapes, adapting to the specific needs of each project.

In terms of sound insulation, the FOAM panels they act as sound absorbers, reducing reverberation and reflections inside the spaces. In addition, their porous and elastic structure allows them to attenuate impact noise and improve sound transmission between adjacent rooms.

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