
The headquarters of filback in Almería it is more than a work space: it is a living demonstration of what it means to merge interior design and graphic design, creating a new discipline called SPACE BRANDING. This office serves as a constant source of inspiration and a reminder of the company's mission to use design and space to stimulate, create experiences and enhance people's well-being.

Upon entering the office filback, one is immediately greeted by a space that breathes creativity and innovative design. Colors, textures and shapes come together in ways that attract and hold attention, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the experience. It is an environment that encourages creative thinking, stimulating the imagination and fostering innovation.

The design of the office is also guided by the principle of Strategic Interior Design. Each element, from the furniture to the lighting, has been carefully selected and arranged to offer a comprehensive vision of the project, combining technique, functionality, aesthetics and marketing.

As part of its commitment to the well-being of people and care for the environment, filback has made a conscious choice to use ECOcero's recycled plastic bottle acoustic panels in its offices. These panels, apart from being ecologically responsible, offer a significant improvement in the acoustics of the workspace, reducing noise and contributing to a calm and concentrated environment.

The look of these panels is just as impressive as their functionality. They blend seamlessly into the office design, complementing the color palette and overall style of the space. As well as providing a practical solution for sound control, they also add an additional aesthetic element, adding depth and texture to the office.

filback is a company that truly lives its values. Its headquarters in Almería is a testament to the power of design and space to create stimulating experiences and enhance people's well-being, while maintaining a firm commitment to sustainability and ecological responsibility.

Why acoustically condition my office? 

  1. Work Environment Improvement: According to the University of Melbourne, a properly conditioned office environment can help create a positive work climate (Leather, P., Beale, D., & Sullivan, L., 2003).
  2. Headache Reduction: The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause headaches, so good acoustic conditioning can help prevent them (WHO, 2004).
  3. Increased Competitiveness: A study from Stanford University suggests that companies with well-acoustically conditioned offices may have a competitive advantage, as they are more attractive to potential employees (Bloch, C., 2012).
  4. Drive to Innovation: Harvard University published a study indicating that a calm and focused work environment can boost innovation (Bernstein, E. & Turban, S., 2018).
  5. Less Focus Recovery Time: A study from the University of California suggests that after a break, it takes less time to regain concentration in an acoustically conditioned environment (Mark, G., Gudith, D., & Klocke, U., 2008).
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