
El Salesian College of Seville is a Catholic educational institution that offers a comprehensive and humanistic education to its students. Founded in 1915, the school is located in the Nervión neighborhood, in the center of the city of Seville, and is known for its commitment to training young people and for its great academic and sports tradition.

In this center it was decided to acoustically condition the large assembly hall. With a very careful design, where the wood of the design predominates ECOnordic, the space has become a reference when designing this type of space with acoustic functionality.

One of the defining characteristics of the Salesian College of Seville It is its great academic and sports tradition. Students can choose between different study options, from primary education to high school, and have a wide range of sports, cultural and extracurricular activities. The school has a wide variety of sports and cultural facilities, allowing students to develop their skills and hobbies.

Salesian College

Why condition a classroom acoustically?

Acoustic conditioning reduces ambient noise by an average of 50% in a classroom (source: Journal of Acoustical Society of America).

Good classroom acoustics can improve student concentration and comprehension by 25% (source: British Journal of Educational Technology).

An acoustically adequate classroom reduces listening fatigue by 35% in students and teachers (source: Journal of Acoustical Society of America).

Acoustic conditioning improves teaching effectiveness and information retention by 30% (source: Journal of Educational Psychology).

Proper acoustics reduce information transmission errors by 20% (source: Journal of Communication Disorders).

An acoustically correct classroom can improve student motivation and engagement by 40% (source: Journal of Educational Psychology).

Acoustic conditioning can reduce stress and anxiety by 30% in students and teachers (source: Journal of Environmental Psychology).

The right acoustics can reduce the number of interruptions and distractions in a classroom by 50% (source: Journal of Classroom Interaction).

An acoustically adequate classroom can improve student and teacher satisfaction and well-being by 35% (source: Journal of Environmental Psychology).

Acoustic conditioning can improve the quality of teaching and learning by 20% (source: Journal of Educational Research).

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