of the Jesuits

The Jesuit College in Pamplona is an educational institution founded in 1592. Since then, it has been recognized for its academic excellence and its commitment to the integral formation of young people. The school offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, from sports to theatre, to encourage growth in different areas.

In terms of infrastructure, the school has a large and modern facility, spaces that are carefully conditioned acoustically, with spacious and bright classrooms, a library, laboratories, and sports spaces. It also has advanced technology, which allows students to learn more effectively and participate in interdisciplinary projects.

Why condition a classroom acoustically?

  1. Improvement in Listening Comprehension: According to a study from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2013), environmental noise can significantly hinder speech understanding, especially for younger students. Acoustic conditioning can reduce these negative effects.
  2. Increased Academic Performance: A study published by the Journal of Building Engineering (2020) revealed that proper acoustics in classrooms can increase academic performance by up to 15%.
  3. Stress Reduction in Teaching Staff: According to research from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Hygiene (INSHT) (2018), improving acoustics can reduce stress levels in teachers, reducing the risk of sick leave.
  4. Promotion of Student Well-being: A study carried out by the University of Salford (2015) showed that a good acoustic environment can help improve the general well-being of students, promoting a better state of mind and reducing anxiety.
  5. Architectural Design Optimization: A report from the American Institute of Architects (2017) highlighted that acoustic conditioning can be attractively integrated into the architectural design of school buildings, creating aesthetically pleasing and functionally optimal environments.
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