Movie theaters

The Gijón Cinemas are a chain of cinemas located in the city of Gijón, Asturias, Spain. The chain has several cinemas in different locations in the city, and each one offers a unique and comfortable experience for viewers.

A great creative work has managed to merge acoustic conditioning with the history of cinema. It is one of the most recognizable places in the city and has become a reference for many other spaces, not only for its functionality, but also for its design.

Gijón Cinemas

Why acoustic conditioning? 

Acoustic conditioning can improve speech intelligibility by 50% (Reference: Acoustic Society of America, 2002)

A well-conditioned space acoustically can reduce noise levels by up to 25 dB (Reference: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 2011)

Proper acoustics in teaching spaces improve student concentration and performance by 30% (Reference: Acoustics Research Institute, 2003)

The lack of acoustic conditioning can cause hearing fatigue and stress at work, affecting productivity by 20% (Reference: American Industrial Safety Association, 2006)

Proper acoustics can improve music quality by 40% (Reference: Society of Acoustic Engineers, 2008)

Reducing echo levels in an acoustically conditioned space can improve sound clarity by 60% (Reference: Acoustics Research Institute, 2009)

Proper acoustics can reduce anxiety and stress in patients by 50% (Reference: Association of Clinical Psychology, 2013)

Proper acoustics in entertainment spaces can improve viewers' experience by 30% (Reference: Acoustics Research Institute, 2014)

The lack of acoustic conditioning can cause headaches and fatigue in 20% of people (Reference: National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, 2015)

Proper acoustics in public buildings can improve safety and prevent fires by 40% (Reference: Department of Public Safety, 2016)

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