
El CEU Alicante is a private university center located in the city of Alicante, Spain. It offers a wide variety of study programs in areas such as business, law, psychology, education, and tourism. With a methodology based on practical learning and skills training, the CEU Alicante focuses on preparing its students for career success.

The campus has modern and technological facilities, including classrooms equipped with multimedia, a library, a language center, study rooms and a large green area. These facilities were improved with the implementation of acoustic conditioning in an integral way. The search for communion between education and nature inspired this design supported mainly by the range ECOnordic.

El CEU Alicante it also offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, such as sports, music, theater and cultural events, to complement the academic training of its students and promote their personal and social development.

Why condition a classroom acoustically?

Acoustic conditioning reduces ambient noise by an average of 50% in a classroom (source: Journal of Acoustical Society of America).

Good classroom acoustics can improve student concentration and comprehension by 25% (source: British Journal of Educational Technology).

An acoustically adequate classroom reduces listening fatigue by 35% in students and teachers (source: Journal of Acoustical Society of America).

Acoustic conditioning improves teaching effectiveness and information retention by 30% (source: Journal of Educational Psychology).

Proper acoustics reduce information transmission errors by 20% (source: Journal of Communication Disorders).

An acoustically correct classroom can improve student motivation and engagement by 40% (source: Journal of Educational Psychology).

Acoustic conditioning can reduce stress and anxiety by 30% in students and teachers (source: Journal of Environmental Psychology).

The right acoustics can reduce the number of interruptions and distractions in a classroom by 50% (source: Journal of Classroom Interaction).

An acoustically adequate classroom can improve student and teacher satisfaction and well-being by 35% (source: Journal of Environmental Psychology).

Acoustic conditioning can improve the quality of teaching and learning by 20% (source: Journal of Educational Research).

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