
Why acoustically condition a hotel? 

  1. Improves communication between guests and staff: A less noisy environment facilitates clearer communication between guests and hotel staff, improving the overall customer experience (Hilton Hotels & Resorts, 2018).
  2. Improve online reviews: According to a Cornell University study (2012), positive online reviews can increase bookings. Acoustic conditioning can improve guest reviews in terms of comfort and quality of sleep.
  3. Increases design flexibility: Modern acoustical conditioning materials offer a wide range of design options, allowing hotels to maintain their aesthetics while controlling noise (Armstrong Ceiling Solutions, 2021).
  4. Improves the mental health of employees: A study from the University of British Columbia (2016) found that noise in the workplace can contribute to stress and anxiety. Acoustic conditioning can help improve the mental health of hotel employees.
  5. Improve accessibility: According to WHO (2018), an environment with good noise control is more accessible to the hearing impaired, which can broaden the hotel's reach to attract more guests.
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